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Vacationing with Kids? Sleep Well with These Tips

Traveling with little ones can often seem daunting, especially when it comes to their sleep schedules. Let's explore strategies to preserve healthy sleeping patterns while remaining adaptable, ensuring your family gets rest they need, while making memories and enjoying this special time together. Remember, focusing on manageable aspects can significantly impact your experience. Remember, while some aspects are beyond your control, focusing on what you can control can make all the difference.

On the Day of Travel

Choose Early Morning Flights: Where possible, opt for early morning flights. A missed nap or two can always be compensated with an early bed time, but missed overnight sleep can sometimes be harder to repair.

Plane Naps: Be prepared for unpredictability with naps during flights. If your child manages to nap, great; if not, keep calm and have activities, milk, or snacks ready for the extra time awake. Bring along items like a portable white noise machine, a favorite toy, blanket, or anything else that signals sleep time.

Early Check-In and Alternative Naps: If early check-in at your hotel is available, use it to get back on track with your nap routine. Otherwise, consider a nap in a stroller or carries to tied you over to bedtime.

Accommodation and Sleep Set-Up

Pre-arrange Your Baby’s Sleep Space: Don’t be afraid to reach out to your hotel to confirm sleeping arrangements in advance. Reserve a crib if needed, as hotels often have a limited number.

Embrace the Slumber Pod: I’ll never stop recommending the SlumberPod. The SlumberPod is invaluable in shared sleeping environments. You can pop your baby in for a perfectly dark soothing sleep while you stay up watching tv etc., without interrupting their sleep! It’s a win win for everyone!

Bring Comforts from Home: Hotels will often have a mini crib or pack and play. Pack a crib sheet from home for a familiar scent, alongside essentials like your portable white noise machine, a sleep sack/swaddle, and a baby monitor.

Managing Time Zone Changes.

How to Manage Time Zone Changes

Stick to Your Time Zone for Short Changes: For minor time zone differences, maintaining your home schedule can simplify sleep times. For example, if you are travelling somewhere that is 1 hour ahead, and you are currently on a 7-7 schedule with your little one, don’t change anything and stay on an 8-8 schedule at your destination. This approach can allow for later mornings and evenings, which can be convenient for vacation activities.

Adapt to Significant Time Zone Differences: For significant differences, gradually shift to the local time, ensuring your child is exposed to daylight to adjust their internal clock. Limit excess daytime naps and be patient as they adapt.

Enjoy Your Trip

Flexibility is Key: Understand your child’s sleep cues and be flexible. Maybe they can handle a later bedtime for a special event or need an earlier night if they skipped a nap. Sometimes the heat and pool time can make them extra tired - be flexible and adjust their routine where needed.

Be Flexible and Observe Your Child’s Limits: It's ok if the routine isn't perfect. Focus on the experiences and don’t be afraid to play around with routines to see what your little one can tolerate. When I traveled with my 3-year-old and 9-month-old, we found that our baby could sleep in the stroller after dinner, allowing us to stay out until about 9 PM. This flexibility meant we could enjoy our evenings, and we learned that 9 PM was our limit for an easy crib transfer. Observing and adapting to your child’s limits is key.

Creating Memories: Above all, traveling with kids is about creating memories. While maintaining sleep routines is important, it’s equally important to be adaptable and make the most of your family time.

Do your best to find a balance between maintaining routines and embracing the spontaneity of the vacation. By controlling what's in your control and staying adaptable, you can create a memorable and enjoyable experience for your whole family.

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