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Naps & Daycare: Tips for a Successful Transition

Updated: May 15, 2024

As a parent, we are always trying to ensure our little one is getting enough sleep, and that includes their daytime naps. However, when your little one starts daycare, you may find yourself facing new challenges when it comes to naptime. Different routines, environments, and schedules can disrupt your child's sleep patterns, but please don't worry! With the right strategies and a little patience, you can help your child continue to be a great sleeper, even when daycare naps aren't perfect.

Yes! You Can Still Have a Great Sleeper, Even if Naps at Daycare Aren't Perfect

First and foremost, it's crucial to understand that nap disruptions at daycare are entirely normal. Each child is unique, and their sleep patterns may vary. Some children are more adaptable than others, and while they might experience changes in their nap routine, it doesn't necessarily mean they'll become poor sleepers.

Tips for the Transition

1. Communicate with Daycare Staff: Before your little one starts daycare, it's important to have a conversation with your daycare provider about sleep. Share your child's sleep schedule, preferences, and any sleep associations they have. The more the daycare understands your child's sleep needs, the better they can accommodate them.

2. Consistency is Key: Try to align your home nap schedule with the daycare's as closely as possible. Consistency can help your child adjust more easily to changes in their nap routine.

3. Comfort and Familiarity: Provide your child with a comfort item from home, such as a favorite blanket or stuffed animal, to make their nap environment at daycare feel more familiar and soothing.

The Adjustment Period

The adjustment period for nap routines at daycare can take time. Some children adapt quickly, while others may take a few weeks to settle into the new routine. It's essential to remain patient and give your child the time they need to adjust.

Daycare vs Home Environment

If your child's daycare follows a vastly different environment than what you have at home, consider discussing your concerns with the daycare provider. Collaborate to find a middle ground that ensures your child gets the rest they need without disrupting the daycare's routine entirely. For example, if the room is bright at daycare and your little one us used to darkness, you could ask that their cot be in the darkest part of the room away from the light of the window.

Nap Schedule Differences

If your daycare provider only offers a 1 nap schedule but your little one takes 2 naps a day, you can try the following:

- Shift your child's home nap schedule to accommodate the daycare's routine. Gradually transition from two naps to one at home.

- Ensure that the single nap your child gets at daycare is longer to make up for the missed second nap.

- On weekends or days off, maintain the two-nap schedule to ensure your child gets adequate rest.

What to do if Baby Isn't Napping at Daycare

If your child refuses to nap at daycare, try to understand the underlying cause. Common issues include overstimulation, discomfort, or separation anxiety. To address this:

- Talk to the daycare provider about your child's behavior and potential triggers.

- Explore naptime adjustments, such as a more soothing sleep environment or a shorter wake window.

- At home, offer an early bedtime to ensure your little one isn't falling into an overtired cycle.

Sleep Training & Daycare

If you're wondering if sleep training is possible while your child is in daycare, the answer is yes - absolutely!

While we always want to aim for a strong daytime routine to ensure good night sleep, don't worry too much about how things unfold during the day at daycare if you're beginning sleep training. Keep applying the same methods and approaches you've chosen when your child is with you at night. Your progress in improving sleep will continue.

Home Routine & Daycare Routine Can Be Different

It's important to accept that your child's nap routine at home and daycare may not always align. Flexibility is key! As long as your child is getting adequate rest overall, some variation in nap routines is totally fine.

Don't Give Up!

Navigating naps and daycare can be a challenging experience for parents, but with patience, communication, and flexibility, you can help your child continue to be a great sleeper. Remember that every child is unique, and the adjustment period may vary. By working together with your daycare provider and being attuned to your child's needs, your child can thrive in both the daycare and home environments while getting the rest they need.

Still Struggling with Sleep?

If you're in need of extra guidance and support during this transition, don't hesitate to reach out for 1:1 assistance. Your baby's sleep patterns will evolve over time, and with the right approach, you'll navigate this change successfully, setting the stage for healthy sleep habits in the future.

Need more support? Book a free call now

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